
Thomas Jefferson  wisely warned in the The Federalist Papers that a nation of sheep will soon have a government of wolves. More specifically he wrote:

“I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments. Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere. Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves & sheep. I do not exaggerate.”

Decades later noted journalist Edward R. Murrow was quoted as saying, “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”

Recently, with the new year upon us, I found a page on the official U.S. Government website that lists the most popular New Year’s resolutions and posts a phone number that will get you the government help you need to achieve your goals.

Knowing this will make signing my tax form even more difficult this year.

Sexy Trisha Parker

I received some great responses to my “Sexy Trisha Parker” post in the last blog. For those who didn’t see it, I told the story of sitting with my wife one evening when I Googled her name. I then clicked on “images” and several appeared. I teasingly said I should have checked “sexy Trisha Parker.” When I did just that, several more pictures of her appeared under that label. While she was a bit embarrassed, she thought it was funny and fun that Google Images would have her listed that way. I told her if Google could do it, I could also do it.

Trisha and I wish you all a very, very Happy New Year!!!!!

Sexy Trisha Parker

Sexy Trisha Parker

John Parker

John Parker
