“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”
2 Corinthians 4:16

I find it so interesting how topics of one’s thoughts and conversation evolve as we grow older. In our youth we energetically contemplated our future. What school should I attend? Will I meet someone to love? Where will I live? The possibilities seemed endless and sometimes overwhelming.

Now in the age of retired life, we tend to have thoughts and conversations that are more reflective. It’s natural to spend considerable time looking back at valued accomplishments and/or nagging regrets. Certainly the topics of health and well being dominate our conversations. and hopefully, joy and thankfulness for the opportunities we have been given.

The fact is, no one lives into their retired years without some regrets and age-related health issues. It’s part of the deal. What we can do, however, is refresh our spirit. Be grateful for the blessings we have been given, and seek to raise up the spirits of others.


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