Having survived this years political struggle, I’m reminded that Veteran’s Day is upon us. For me, I reflect on the service of my grandfather (Army) and my father (Navy). I personally served four years in the United States Air Force, but did not serve in a combat area. As most people my age, I lost a number of friends in the Viet Nam War. That nightmare still exists for so many who survived but have led a lifetime of illness and shorter lifespan due to injury and/or the effects of Agent Orange.

I hope all who did not serve will remember and honor those who did, and for those who did serve, I hope you will take advantage of the many discounts, free meals, etc., that are offered to you by so many businesses. I recently bought something at a local hardware chain and got 15 cents off my purchase for being a veteran. The young clerk was pleased to give me the discount and I smiled and thought about those four years.My father had a saying, “better than nothing.” I agree. I was bitter often during my service because I felt my life was on hold. Now, I am proud to have served and grateful for the wonderful people I met along the way.
